Friday, June 1, 2007

By Barb Smith

From the early days in the classroom, and throughout our adult life, learning new skills and improving our education has been seen as the road to career success. “You can never learn too much,” we’ve been told. Yet, it is not uncommon for a job seeker to be told they are over-qualified.

It may seem unreasonable that an employer wouldn’t hire someone with more skills and experience than they need, especially if they are getting that person for the same salary as the less-qualified candidate. Why wouldn’t an employer take advantage of such a situation? Well, they actually have some very good reasons:

  1. Equity Issues Good employers pay attention to their employees’ perceptions of fairness. It is important that employees feel fairly compensated. Employers feel (and often rightly so) that employees who are being paid less than they are worth will eventually feel unfairly treated, and this will either have a negative impact on the quality of their work, or cause them to leave the position altogether, requiring the company to repeat the hiring process – an expensive endeavour.

  2. Co-worker/Manager Issues When a new hire is placed in a position, it is natural for that individual to want to prove themselves and to show what they’re capable of. When that new hire is over-qualified, their desire to “show their stuff” could end up alienating and de-motivating co-workers, and even the manager, as the new hire hits home-run after home-run. Co-workers might be left wondering if they are needed at all.

  3. Could it be you? Another factor that can come into play here is confidence. It’s not unusual for job seekers who have been let go from their job or whose search has been a long one to question themselves and their abilities. In response they often apply for jobs they know they could do with their eyes closed. When they are turned away as being over-qualified, they may doubt themselves even more (“I’ve got a university degree and I can’t even get a job in a mailroom!”) This can lead to a downward spiral that can be difficult to overcome. Don’t go there!

  4. The Key to avoiding the “over-qualified” problem Apply for positions that you are uniquely qualified for. There is no one else on the planet with exactly the same qualifications you possess. It’s all about understanding what the employer needs and matching your qualifications to those needs. The closer the match, the better your chances of receiving an offer. So pump up your confidence, research your target companies, and make that match.

Barb Smith is a professional Job Search Coach in London, Ontario who applies the employer’s perspective when helping individuals find satisfying jobs with a minimum of stress and frustration. For more information, contact Barb at 519.691.0218 or email

Published in Networking Today, June 2007

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