Tuesday, May 1, 2001

Software Tips & Tricks Inserting Accents

By Laura Noble

Last month’s article, Inserting Special Characters & Symbols, included codes for inserting special characters such as ¢, £, and ÷ into most Windows based products. As promised, this month I have included the codes for inserting accents into Word, Excel, WordPerfect, email packages, Publisher, and more.

  1. Place cursor where you want the character to be inserted.

  2. Verify NUMLOCK is turned on.

  3. Hold down the ALT key and using the numeric keypad, type the character code that matches the symbol you want to insert.

Code Character Code Character Code Character


Š 0209 Ñ 0234 ê
0154 š 0210 Ò 0235 ë
0156 œ 0211 Ó 0236 ì
0159 Ÿ 0212 Ô 0237 í
0181 µ 0213 Õ 0238 î
0192 À 0214 Ö 0239 ï
0193 Á 0217 Ù 0240 ð
0194 Â 0218 Ú 0241 ñ
0195 Ã 0219 Û 0242 ò
0196 Ä 0220 Ü 0243 ó
0197 Å 0221 Ý 0244 ô
0198 Æ 0224 à 0245 õ
0199 Ç 0225 á 0246 ö
0200 È 0226 â 0249 ù
0201 É 0227 ã 0250 ú
0202 Ê 0228 ä 0251 û
0203 Ë 0229 å 0252 ü
0204 Ì 0230 æ 0253 ý
0205 Í 0231 ç 0255 ÿ
0206 Î 0232 è


Ï 0233 é

Laura Noble is the owner of Noble Software Solutions. Laura can be contacted at 519-680-2689 or by e-mail at lnoble@noblesoftwaresolutions.com. www.noblesoftwaresolutions.com

Published in Networking Today, May 2001.

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