Wednesday, May 1, 2002

Applying a Background in Word

By Glenda Palmer

Adding a background can enhance Microsoft Word documents when you send the file as an attachment. The background effects explained below will not appear on a printed document.

  1. Key in a new document in Microsoft Word or open an existing document. You may want to use the “save as” feature to generate a copy for learning how to add these backgrounds to your file.

  2. Click the Format menu, point to Background and select the colour you want.

  3. To have different background effects, click the Fill Effects option on the Background submenu.

  4. For a gradient effect, the fill varies from light to dark shades of the same colour (One Color) or from one colour to another colour (Two-Color), or in a pre-set pattern of many colours (Preset). You can pick the Shading Style to specify in what direction the gradient should display. The variants are shown in the sample area. There are several choices – try each one to see the effects.

  5. The Pattern tab fills the item with a pattern (dots, crosshatch, diagonal lines, etc.). Alter both foreground and background on various combinations of colours to view the many attractive pattern backgrounds that can be established. Combining blues and greens produce some stunning combinations.

  6. The Texture tab fills the item with texture graphics such as green marble, granite, etc. Check out every sample.

  7. The Picture tab fills the item with repeated copies of a picture you have on file. Go to the folder that contains graphics and check this feature out using some of your pictures.

  8. Click the OK button.
Glenda Palmer is the owner of Private-Computer-Tutor, providing customized one-on-one training in London, Ontario. (519) 473-6422

Published in Networking Today, May, 2002.

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