Sunday, July 1, 2007

5 Simple Steps to Transform Your Life with Jewelry

By Payson Cooper

You probably have a special piece of jewelry that makes you feel good every time you wear it, but you only wear it on special occasions. Not any more – now’s the time for change. You can easily infuse your jewelry with your intentions and dreams…and use it as a tool to change your life.

Let’s say you have a beautiful necklace that belonged to your grandmother or a ring from your grandfather. Whenever you wear it, see it, or touch it you remember how much that person loved you and you feel connected to him or her. When you wear the piece, the love and joy you feel radiates through your entire body. Because you feel good, your interactions with the world around you are positive, which brings more good feelings…and the cycle continues.

If you took a couple of minutes as you put on the jewelry each morning to focus on these feelings of being loved, grateful, joyful, and simply feeling healthy, how do you think it would change your day – or your life?

Think about the attitude of gratitude – it makes everything seem magical when you view the world from a grateful perspective. If you found a piece of jewelry that helped to bring that feeling into your heart whenever you needed it, imagine the change in your perspective each day, and collectively, over a year or more. The possibilities are phenomenal!

Choosing a piece of jewelry is easy. You can use an item you already have and turn it into an emotional driving force, or buy a special piece with this intention. There are many types of jewelry available that include words and phrases to help you focus on a specific emotion or intention. There are artists who will hand-craft a custom piece that carries the word, phrase, or affirmation, which resonates for you.

To create changes in your life, follow these steps. Focus on one emotion with one piece of jewelry for a period of time or experiment with a new emotion and piece of jewelry each day to be aware of the changes around you.

  1. Find, create, or buy a piece of jewelry that symbolizes the emotion you want to focus on in your life. Use a piece of jewelry that helps you resonate or align with the emotion you want to intensify, perhaps with a specific word, phrase, or affirmation inscribed.
  1. Create a short ritual with the piece. For example, have a special place near your bed or dresser where you can mindfully place the item each night and see it and touch it first thing each morning.
  1. Every morning and evening, focus your energy on a specific emotion or intention as you look at or touch the item for 60 seconds. You may choose to say a word, phrase, mantra, or affirmation aloud.
  1. For a few seconds, several times a day (aim for 3), purposefully look at or touch the jewelry and focus your attention on it and on the emotion you are creating.
  1. Each time you “notice” the jewelry throughout the day (when you happen to look at it or someone comments on it) take a second or two to feel the emotion you are building with the jewelry.

After a few days you will be aware of significant changes in your perspective and interaction with the world around you. And this is only the beginning…

“Ordinary things, consistently done, create extraordinary results.”

Payson Cooper, is the owner and head designer of Payson & Co., LLC, a company that is known for their unique jewelry creations. After participating in several Peak Potential courses, Payson has designed a “Peak” line of transformational jewelry to assist others in bringing change into their lives. For more information, visit or email

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