Thursday, May 1, 2008

Been There...Done That! or Or, Done That...Been There!

By Mark Vockentanz

Mindfulness...a state of heightened awareness. I prefer to use the term “SENSEfulness.” In other words, using all your senses in that moment. Throughout your day, you are given opportunities to either live in the moment or be completely oblivious to what is happening around you.

Have you ever driven to work, arrive unscathed, but think to yourself...I can’t even remember the ride over, let alone how I got here without getting into an accident? In other words, this trance-like state of SENSElessness has resulted in a complete lack of awareness for that period of time. You simply drove to work in a robotic fashion without the least bit of true SENSEfulness.

Granted, you recruited the necessary physical and mental functions to remain out of harm’s way, but what did you miss during this SENSEless state? Well, the looming question is what else do we miss when we are not present in the moment?

In this day and age of multi-tasking I would suspect that we miss lots. Because between checking umpteen emails, answering endless calls, emails and text messages on our data devices, juggling multiple projects at work, and being the perfect parent or spouse at home we are forced to filter out the apparently useless information so that we can remain focused on the important stuff. Or is it really that important?

I challenge you to spend a day truly present and SENSEful of each moment. Here’s a little exercise of SENSEfulness – get a piece of your favourite chocolate. Begin by rolling it in your fingers, feeling the texture and shape. Hold it to your nose and smell it. Slowly, place it on your tongue and savour its sweetness as it begins to melt. Begin chewing and be aware of what flavours interact with your taste buds. Engage all your senses during this process.

This is just a simple example, but can be translated into your everyday life. Tomorrow try being aware and present in each moment, fully experiencing it all.

Mark Vockentanz, BHK, CMTA, CHLC is a Wellness Coach and founder of V3 Life Transformations – for Vision, Vitality, Victory. With more than 20 years industry experience, Mark offers one-on-one coaching to help individuals find an alternative path to true health and vitality. Mark can be reached at 519.777.6811 or email www.v3lifetransformations.

Published in Netoworking Today, May 2009

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