Thursday, May 1, 2008

Creating Conscious Values

By Brandon Klayman

Wealth, happiness, awareness, transparency, sustainability, oneness are all the conscious values of Conscious Commerce. Building a value system for your business is becoming more important than ever before in the world of commerce. Stockholders are looking for more integrity based businesses to invest in, employees resonate more to companies that maintain their code of ethics, and customers are becoming more conscious of who to do business with.

The conscious evolution of our economy is well underway. Think of your value system as the heart of your business, and that all experiences go through it. Here are some points to consider when creating a value system.

  • Choose a value system that connects to all the aspects of your business on every level so that it can be expressed and experienced often.

  • Develop the value system based on experiential knowledge, remember, your entire business is supported by it.

  • Whatever value system you do create, honestly ask yourself this one question: "Am I really willing to deeply commit to these values for the long-term?"

If you want to practice business and commerce consciously, build your value system with honest and good intentions. It's not about looking good or sounding good anymore; it's really about feeling good.

Brandon Klayman, creator of Conscious Commerce, inspires wholeness for entrepreneurs, and their businesses. By facilitating companies through The ONE (Opportunity Now Emerging) Solution they discover and foster sustainable growth. For your ONE free question, contact Brandon Klayman at or call 416.482.2900

Published in Netoworking Today, May 2009

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