Monday, September 1, 2008

Don’t Treat It…Beat It!

By Mark Vockentanz

Is the answer in a pill? Do all of our aches, pains, ailments and dysfunctions simply disappear when we pop the magical pill? The answer is an unequivocal “no,” yet it doesn’t appear this way if we look at the natural health product industry and the pharmaceutical industry.

Actions speak louder than words. Our intuitive mind tells us one thing, but our cognitive mind says another. That is, this perceived path of least resistance is sometimes just too much to resist for people. This is how these products are marketed to the public… “Simply swallow this pill and your problems will melt away.” From headaches to hemorrhoids they will have you believe that the fix is a lotion, potion, or pill.

In Canada, it is projected that the Natural Health and Pharmaceutical sectors will generate a whopping $12 billion in sales this year. This enormous economical wheel has gained tremendous momentum. And it is perpetuated by the demand of an ever-increasing diseased population.

But the solution does not lie in a pill, potion, or lotion. The answer lies in the understanding of how our body functions in relation to the environment we create for it to exist in. Essentially, we become our environment. That is, if you create a polluted environment, then you become polluted. If you exist in a destructive environment, then you become destructive and if you live in an unhealthy environment, then you become unhealthy.

It almost seems too simple to be true, but most things are quite simple. We too frequently over-complicate things. The basic premise is to create an environment that is healthy and complementary to life itself. In addition, you should disengage from methods that are reactive and engage in lifestyle habits that are proactive.

Most “remedies in a bottle” treat symptoms and rarely are preventative in nature. The assumption is that you’re already dysfunctional. In reality, you want to beat disease to the punch by creating an environment that inhibits disease, constructing a terrain in your body, mind and spirit that will not let illness reside there.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!

Mark Vockentanz, BHK, CMTA, CHLC is a Wellness Coach and founder of V3 Life Transformations – for Vision, Vitality, Victory. With more than 20 years industry experience, Mark offers one-on-one coaching to help individuals find an alternative path to true health and vitality. Mark can be reached at 519.777.6811 or email www.v3lifetransformations.

Published Networking Today September 2008

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