Saturday, March 1, 2003

Networking Philosophy: Give to Gain

By Karen Susman

I’m reading an interesting book, Masters of Networking, compiled by Dr. Ivan R. Misner. Misner founded Business Network International, or BNI. I’m always preaching that networking is about helping, not selling, so I was delighted for the reinforcement.

Misner’s phrase is “Givers Gain.” He acknowledges that we are all trying to gain something for ourselves from networking. They way to get, though, is to give.

You can give referrals, advice, support, leads, information, a smile, a pat on the back, and your expertise in any area of your life. Offer your boardroom as a meeting site. Offer to provide a free seminar for a company or association. Offer to serve on a committee. Develop a tip sheet based on your expertise and give it away. Do you know how to garden, fish, cook, write, hike, or bike? Help others enjoy your hobbies by sharing your knowledge. I’m convinced the reason I got a fat contract is because I gave my lemon bar recipe to the decision maker. (Get the recipe at

Ask someone, “How can I be helpful to you?” Expect to wait a while for the answer because most people have never been asked that question. If someone responds with a huge request (“Get me a job.” “Take me to Bali.”), determine a manageable element you can help with. Give a lead. Send a travel article.

Do you want to be more successful? The next time you attend a networking function, call, or meet with someone seek ways to help others. It works.

Karen Susman is a Speaker, Trainer, Coach, and Author of 102 Top Dog Networking Secrets. Karen works with organizations that want to maximize performance. Programs include Humour at Work; Balance In Life; Networking Skills; Presentation Skills; and Building Community Involvement. Order new guidebooks on humour, networking, time management, and community involvement by calling 1-888-678-8818 or e-mail Published in Networking Today, March, 2003.

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