Sunday, April 1, 2007

Your Business…Your Baby

By Jennifer Murray

“When you love something

, you should let it go, and it will come back to you better and improved.” This quote not only applies to loved ones and relationships but also to your business.

Entrepreneurs and small business owners wear a multitude of hats – no doubt about it. And why do we want to do it all? For the same reason we don’t give up our children. Let’s parallel this for a minute.

You see, our children challenge us (first physically, then mentally) as do our businesses. In the beginning, we work long hours, change our sleep and eating routines, meet new people, and constantly question our judgment. Did I make the right decision? Should I have chosen a different supplier? We ask colleagues what they think about nearly every aspect until we get a little experience beneath our belt. Now think about first-time parents. There’s nothing like a baby to change these same things including our confidence in our personal lives.

As dependencies evolve (in both children and business), we begin to breathe again; feel the winds of success beneath us and we’re proud of the gamut we’ve survived. The first two years of life and the first two years of a small business are tough work and there should be a badge for survivors. Then it happens. You know it’s time to step back and get someone else involved.

For parents, this can mean daycare or the first day of school. Here’s the leap of faith I’m getting to: you know as a parent you can’t give your child everything. Teachers and other kids can contribute in ways you could not and your child will only benefit from other perspectives including individual strengths and weaknesses. This applies to your business, too.

How can you possibly expect your business to grow if you don’t open it up for more input, experiences, strengths, and weaknesses? The faith you need to build before you leap can be paralleled with the research you put into finding the right pre-school. You wouldn’t offer your child to the first person that comes along; nor should you open your business doors to the first offer of help. Human resource is a vast area of expertise that offers many studies and strategies for fit, motivation, and compensation. There’s a reason for professional designations in this field. People have a huge affect on a company that it should be given significant consideration.

As the most dedicated and motivated employee, your success equals the company’s success. Take time to determine your strengths and company goals before you’re desperate for help. Strategize where the best fit would be. How successful are you if you are stressed, and struggling between getting more work and getting the work done? How can you expect to grow without letting something go?

Most of us cannot grow another brain, arm, or leg. The best place to start looking for assistance is by sharing weekly routines you don’t feel are a good use of your time. Start small as a testing ground. This is important not only in assessing the skill and trust level of the person performing the work but it acts as a gauge of your communication capability.

The trick is finding a comfort zone for both of you. There are two extremes. The first is the micro-manager we all know and love. At the other end of spectrum is the person that doesn’t give specific instructions but expects the task-handler to simply know. Picture the caregiver sitting in the back of the kindergarten room “just in case” versus the parent not communicating his child’s special needs and promptly leaving upon delivery.

It is in your best interest to provide all the tools (including information) for the task to be completed successfully. It is in your assistant’s best interest to make sure she understands and asks clarifying questions to ensure her success, too. Only then will you both experience the power of “we” and your company will grow.

Once your comfort level has been established, and your mind-map changed, you will see other tasks that can be handed over. And there you go…your business-baby is graduating and incorporating a support system of its own. They are called friends in pre-school, and in business – associates, colleagues, and maybe even employees – and there you grow again!

Jennifer Murray, founder of The Nimble Assistant, contributes to the growth and sustainability of small businesses through administrative support. By working smarter not harder, entrepreneurs are experiencing the “power of we” and growing their businesses. For a free brainstorming session on how The Nimble Assistant can contribute to your success email: or visit for testimonials and examples.

Published in Networking Today, April 2007

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